Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic

Social Media Advertisement – Pro Bono

A simple fadebook ad for the Stephen h Cohen military Clinic in Addison Texas peer support group.
A simple fadebook ad for the Stephen h Cohen military Clinic in Addison Texas peer support group.

At Steelewolfe Productions, I worked with the peer group in the Steven A. Cohen Military Family Clinic in Addison, Texas, via phone and email.

The Combat Boots series of ads focuses on the difference between soldiers and how people view Trauma.

The critical elements of the brainstorm had been outlined as considerations of the type of soldiers, style of art, and colors.

Graphical Element Brainstorm:

  • Army men
  • Tonka Truck Tanks

Considered Colors:

  • US Blue
  • US Red
  • White
  • Army Man Green

Client Considerations:

  • Veterans
  • Families of Veterans